5 things for .NET MAUI devs to look forward to in 2022

The year 2021 has brought us a lot of news related to .NET 6. However, we are going to highlight some milestones that must be taken into account for next […]
.NET Conf 2021: Updates in .NET MAUI

In the previous post I shared the videos that I recommend to see of the conference, however we didn’t see anything on .NET MAUI. Why? First because I was planning […]
.NET Conf 2021 is coming

As every year there will be a new edition of the most important .NET conference in the world: .NET Conf. This year will feature two tasty ingredients: the release of […]
.NET MAUI: Implementing platform behavior

.NET MAUI is right around the corner. Like its predecessor it offers sharing most code while building for multiple platforms. This includes the UI part. Of course there are still […]
Microsoft Build 2020 – What Day 1 Brought Us

In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, Microsoft has transformed this year’s Build conference into a 48-hour online event, accessible to everyone! Within this blogpost, we will look back at […]