
Find Events around mobile and agile development.

Azure Developers – Python Day

If you are a developer in the realm of technical and scientific applications, Python is likely your trusty companion. However, what you might not be aware of is how seamlessly Python integrates with Microsoft Azure, the dynamic cloud computing platform from Microsoft. Azure offers an extensive array of services, enabling you to rapidly build, deploy, and manage applications across a global network of Microsoft-managed data centers. And the best part? You can access all these Azure services with Python. That’s

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Build 2023

Microsoft Build 2023, the event for innovators, developers and technology enthusiasts. This event has the power to transform the way we think and build. Whether you are a professional or a passionate newcomer, Microsoft Build 2023 is the place where boundaries are pushed, new ideas emerge and technologies are unveiled. Microsoft Build, known for its immersive experiences and cutting-edge insights, is a flagship event that showcases the vast array of possibilities offered by Microsoft’s technologies and tools. This event serves

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Xablu Team participates in the Monkey Conf

This week, on the first day of December, it was the fourth edition of Monkey Conf. Monkey Conf is a .NET related event, the biggest held in Spain. This edition and the one from the year before were online conferences because of the pandemic situation.While this might sound as a downside, it was a great opportunity for them to go global, allowing not only viewers from all around the world but also speakers. The talks Even though the event is

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Say goodbye to XamExpertDay

Last month there was an event that brings us a lot of content in the world of Xamarin: XamExpertDay 2021. Because of the global context, this year as last year was held virtually and was attended by Microsoft technical leaders and developers with a lot of experience in the world of Xamarin. Another curious fact is that it will be the last edition of the event at least with this name because Xamarin will be formally incorporated into .NET with

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Microsoft Build 2020 – What Day 2 Brought Us

Another day at the 48-online Microsoft Build event! Microsoft delivered some more exciting updates and we are happy to share them with you in this blogpost. Did you miss the announcements from yesterday? You can still read those back here. Spoiler Alert: Microsoft is giving away vouchers for free certifications, continue reading to find out how to get yours!  The Future of Tech Kevin Scott, Microsoft’s CTO, delivered a great session about how he, and Microsoft, envision the future of

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How Location Services Impact our Future

In honor of the MyGalileoApp Challenge Finals in Prague last week, Xablu was invited to give a talk to the audience. Galileo, the focus of the challenge, is the European Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) aimed to provide an independent high-precision positioning system. Within the challenge, teams needed to create applications that would highlight the added value Galileo offers. Xablu shed light on the impact location services can have in the near future. Location services are a major part of

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MyGalileoApp – Two Xablu mentored teams under the final 10!

The Xablu Participation The ten projects in the MyGalileoApp competition judged to be the most exciting in terms of their level of innovation, market potential, and technical feasibility are finally revealed!. Selected from 30 projects shortlisted for the competition’s first development phase, these 10 projects will now advance to the second development phase, at the end of which they should deliver a fully functioning app. Two of the 10 finalists were mentored by Xablu. Photo: ©GSA, ©European GNSS Agency Trukatu and Henk Kok: The Smart

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Insights: Xablu joins MyGalileoApp Mentor team

Last week, we had the pleasure of presenting Xablu’s tips & tricks to the contestants of the MyGalileoApp Competition 2019 organized by the European GNSS Agency (GSA). The competition calls for creative mobile application ideas that could benefit from the precise positioning offered by Galileo. Now, the 30 selected teams will embark on the next stage of the competition where we, from Xablu, will act as mentors. In 2016, the global navigation satellite system (GNSS), called Galileo, went live. It was created by the European

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