Onboarding Remote Colleagues – Learning From the Best

Onboarding remotely: it is not always a choice anymore due to the current COVID-19 situation. But, especially in these times, onboarding cannot be forgotten or cut back on. In our […]
Onboarding Remote Colleagues – Guiding the New Colleague

Congratulations, you have hired a new colleague! Chances are that their first day will be spend from their own home. For many companies, and new colleagues, this will be a […]
Onboarding Remote Colleagues – Getting to Know the Team

Starting a new job, or hiring a new employee, is always exciting: both parties are motivated to make a great first impression and start the new collaboration. A first day […]
Meet the Developer: 5 questions for our newest developer Luuk Jongebloet

A few weeks ago, Luuk Jongebloet, officialy became a team member of Xablu’s Xamarin Development team. We’ve asked Luuk to answer a few questions. Curious about Luuk? See his interview […]
Participatory Design: Creating applications with professionals

Technology can have a major impact on the healthcare domain. Nowadays, we can track and monitor behavior to help understand health issues, use technology to acquire more precise data or work with […]
A partnership of top developers: meet Nico Milcoff

We recently started working with the very talented Xamarin developer Nico Milcoff. He’s not only a Microsoft MVP and lead maintainer of the open source MvvmCross project, he also finds time to lead his own […]
Introducing Ivo Krugers, Xamarin developer

This week we’re happy to introduce Ivo Krugers, a Senior Xamarin developer who joined our team this month. 1. What brought you to Xamarin development and where do you want […]
Welcome to Damiano Patane, our newest developer!

We’re happy to have a great new developer join our team, Damiano! We asked him a few questions to get to know him better… 1. Tell me a bit about […]
Introducing Bart Kuipers, Xamarin developer!

We recently welcomed a new developer to our team, Bart! We asked him to introduce himself through a few questions: 1. Tell me a bit about yourself as a developer: […]