Earlier this week, on Tuesday, June 19th, our team had the chance to deliver a guest lecture on Xamarin to ICT students at Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen.
As part of their course, the students were introduced to several different mobile coding options. We were invited to provide an introduction to the Microsoft Xamarin platform.

Marc Bruins, who is a Xamarin University-certified trainer and Microsoft MVP, gave the hour-long lecture on getting started with Xamarin to the room of about 30 students.
After a break for lunch, 20 students returned to take part in a practical workshop led by Marc and XABLU developer Maurice Markvoort, where they tried their hand at creating a simple to-do list mobile app in Xamarin.Forms. Marc and Maurice provided guidance and advice to help the students along. After the workshop, we received great feedback on the experience from the students and their instructor!

Thanks for Hanze University for having us! If you’re student looking to learn more about Xamarin, don’t miss our free meetups in Hengelo and other cities around the Netherlands. We’ve also got a really exciting student coding event planned for September… stay tuned for more details!